on names to go to Bio)
Marcus Anthony - first "new generation" member for Council. One of Australasia’s most innovative and prolific futurists, author of Integrated Intelligence and The Sage of Syncronicity, Dr. Anthony has set out to try to change the world for the better as a scholar with www.mindfutures.com and as a publisher with Benjamin Franklin Press Asia [].
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Arrien - anthropologist, founder and
president of the Angeles Arrien Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education
and Research, associate professor at the Institute of Transpersonal
Psychology and the California Institute of Integral Studies, author
of The Four Fold Way and The Five Universal Shapes
and How to Use Them.
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Ralph Abraham - mathematician, professor
emeritus University of Santa Cruz, director Visual Math Institute,
leading chaos theorist, co-founding GERG member, author Dynamics:
The Geometry of Behavior, Chaos, Gaia, and Eros, Trialogues at the
Edge of the West, and The Evolutionary Mind.
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Bela H. Banathy - pioneering evolutionary systems
design theorist, (deceased 2003),
emeritus professor Saybrook Graduate School, past president International
Society for the Systems Sciences, author of A Systems View of
Education, Designing Social Systems in a Changing World, and
Guided Evolution of Society: A Systems View.
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Kenneth Bausch - evolutionary systems scientist,
executive director Institute for 21st Century
Agoras, president Ongoing Emergence, co-chair for 47th annual conference
of the International Society for the Systems Sciences in Crete 2003,
GERG member, author of The Emerging Consensus in Systems Theory.
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J. Bird - psychologist and chaos theorist, senior
lecturer and visiting scholar Northumbria University, U.K., president
Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences (SCTPLS)
2003-2004, author of Chaos and Life: Complexity and Order in
Evolution and Thought.
to top
Howard Bloom - evolutionary theorist and activist,
founding board member Epic of Evolution Society,
visiting scholar New York University, author of The Lucifer
Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
and The Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big
Bang to the 21st Century.
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Raymond Bradley - sociologist, associate
research professor, BRAINS Center, Radford University, director
Institute for Whole Social Science, GERG member, author Charisma
and Social Structure: A Study of Love and Power, Wholeness and Transformation.
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Alexander Christakis - systems scientist,
Club of Rome co-founder, president International
Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) 2003, GERG member, director
CWA Limited, developer of The Cogniscope and the Demosophia Paradigm
for interactive management (IM).
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Allan Combs -
neuropsychologist, systems theorist, and consciousness researcher,
psychology department, University of North Carolina in Asheville
and Saybrook Graduate School, GERG member, editor of Cooperation:
Beyond the Age of Competition, author of Synchronicity
and the award-winning The Radiance of Being.
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Gerald Cory, Jr. - neuroscientist, director
Center for Behavioral Ecology, teacher San Jose State University,
incoming president of the Across Species Comparisons and Psychotherapy
Society, author of The Reciprocal Modular Brain in Economics
and Politics and Toward Consilience.
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Milhaly Csikszentmihalyi -psychologist and leading
creativity theorist, director Quality
of Life Research Center, Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management,
Claremont Graduate University, GERG member, author of The Evolving
Self: A Psychology for the Third Millennium, Flow: The Psychology
of Optimal Experience, and Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of
Discovery and Invention.
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Riane Eisler - cultural historian and evolution
theorist, developer of cultural transformation
theory, co-founder and president, Center for Partnership Studies,
co-founding GERG member, author of The Chalice and the Blade:
Our History, Our Future, Sacred Pleasure, Tomorrow’s Children:
A Blueprint for Partnership Education in the 21st Century,
and The Power of Partnership.
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Duane Elgin - systems scientist, futurist,
and media activist, GERG member, author Voluntary Simplicity,
Awakening Earth, Global Consciousness Change: Indicators of a n
Emerging Paradigm and Promise Ahead: Humanity’s Journey
Toward a Culture of Meaning.
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Sally Goerner - engineer, mathematician,
and integral activist, co-founder and twice past president The Society
for Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences, director Triangle
Center for the Study of Complex Systems, GERG member, author of
The Evolving Ecological Universe and After the Clockwork
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Rod Gorney - psychiatrist and media activist,
adjunct faculty professor UCLA School of
Medicine, founder and director Ashley Montagu Institute, director
Program on Psychosocial Adaptation and the Future and pioneering
media research project “Mass Entertainment and Human Survival,”
author of The Human Agenda: How to Be At Home in the Universe
without Magic.
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Thom Hartmann - author and evolutionary and
media activist, author of The Prophet’s
Way, The Last Hours of AncientSunlight, and Unequal
Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and Theft of Human Rights.
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Hazel Henderson - futurist, economic theorist,
evolutionary and media activist, syndicated
columnist, developer of the Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators,
author of Building a Win-Win World, The Politics of the Solar
Age, and Creating Alternative Futures.
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Mae-Wan Ho - biophysicist and ethical activist,
director Institute of Science in Society,
professor Open University, U.K., GERG member, author of Genetic
Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?, The Rainbow and the Worm: The
Physics of Organisms, and Toward a New Ethics of Science,
The Biology of Free Will.
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Marx Hubbard - author and social innovator, president
Foundation for Conscious Evolution, creator of EVOLVE, a virtual
global community center for conscious evolution, and Gateway to
Conscious Evolution, an internet course in conscious evolution studies,
author of Conscious Evolution and Emergence.
to top
Sohail Inayatullah - futurist and editor,
professor Tamkang University, Taiwan; University
of Sunshine Coast, Australia; Queensland University of Technology;
co-editor of the Journal of Future Studies, associate editor of
New Renaissance, co-editor (with Johann Galtung) of Macrohistory
and Macrohistorians.
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Jiayin - systems philosopher, research
fellow Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
GERG member, president Chinese branch Club of Budapest, GERG member,
author of The Evolutionary Pluralism: A New System of Systems
Philosopy, and editor The Chalice and the Blade in Chinese
to top
Kane - former dean, School of Education,
now academic vice president of Long Island University, former editor
of the quarterly Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice,
author Beyond Empiricism and editor Education, Information,
and Transformation: Essays on Learning and Thinking.
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Helena Knyazeva - systems philosopher,
evolutionary research scientist, Laboratory
for Evolutionary Epistemology, The Institute of Philosophy, The
Russian Academy of Sciences, author of The Odyssey of Human
Mind: The Synergetic View of Scientific Progress and Foundations
of Synergetics: Blow-up Regimes, Self-organization, Tempoworlds.
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Stanley Krippner - psychologist, Saybrook
Graduate School, former director Maimonides Dream Research Laboratory,
former president Association for Humanistic Psychology, author of
Human Possibilities, GERG member, co-author Personal Mythology,
Extraordinary Dreams, and co-editor Varieties of Anomalous Experience.
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Hans Kung - internationally known Christian
theologian, President of the Global
Ethic Foundation of Tubingen University, author of Does God
Exist; Christianity and World Religion: Paths to Dialogue with Islam,
Hinduism and Buddhism, Christians and Jews; Global Responsibility:
In Search of a New World Ethic, and editor, Yes to a Global
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Ervin Laszlo - systems philosopher and pioneering
general evolution theorist, former
research director United Nations, founder General Evolution Research
Group (GERG), founder and president The Club of Budapest, author
Evolution: The General Theory, The Choice: Oblivion or Evolution,
Macroshift, The Connectivity Hypothesis and over 30 other books
on evolution and systems science.
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Daniel Levine - mathematical psychologist and
neural network theorist, University
of Texas at Arlington, former president International Neural Network
Society, author of Introduction to Neural and Cognitive Modeling
and (forthcoming) Common Sense and Common Nonsense.
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Bill Levis - treasurer, chief financial officer
and board member, The Center for Partnership
Studies, consultant to The Urban Institute and many social innovation
start-ups, author of Form 990 for Nonprofit Organizations.
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David Loye - psychologist, systems
scientist and evolution theorist, former research director Program
on Psychosocial Adaptation and the Future, UCLA School of Medicine,
co-founding GERG member, author of The Healing of a Nation,
The Leadership Passion, The Knowable Future, An Arrow Through Chaos,
and editor The Great Adventure: Toward a Fully Human Theory
of Evolution.
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Paul D. MacLean - widely considered one of the
two greatest living brain scientists, former
professor of psychiatry at Yale and former chief of the Laboratory
of Brain Evolution and Behavior for the National Institute of Mental
Health (NIMH), developer of the concept of the limbic system and
the triune brain theory, author of the scientific classic The Triune
Brain in Evolution.
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Peter Meyer-Dohm - economist and leading German
educator, chair International Partnership
Initiative, chair, Academic Council, German Institute for Adult
Education, The German Society for Educational Sciences, The German
Institute for Distance Learning Research, The German Institute for
International Educational Research, and the Institute for the Pedagogy
of Natural Sciences.
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Ron Miller - historian and theorist of holistic
and progressive education, founder
of the Foundation for Educational Renewal and Paths of Learning
and Encounter magazines, author of What Are Schools
For, Caring for New Life, and Free Schools, Free people,
adjunct faculty Teacher Education Program, Goddard College.
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Alfonso Montuori - systems scientist, pioneering
professor of distance learning courses, California Institute for
Integral Studies, principal Evolutionary Strategies, associate editor
World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, GERG member, author
Evolutionary Competence and From Power to Partnership:
Creating the Future of Love, Work and Community.
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Nel Noddings - leading U.S. educator and moral
theorist, Stanford University School
of Education, author of The Challenge to Care in Schools: An
Alternative Approach to Education, Caring: A Feminine Approach to
Ethics and Moral Education, and Starting at Home: Caring
and Social Policy.
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Bruce Novak - educator, lecturer,
English department, University of Chicago, chair of the Assembly
for Expanded Perspectives on Learning of the National Council of
English Teachers (AEPL), chair of the Education Task Force of the
Foundation for Ethics and Meaning.
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John O’Manique - moral systems theorist,
(deceased 2003), distinguished research professor
The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University,
author of The Origins of Justice: The Evolution of Morality,
Human Rights and Law.
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Barclay Palmer - educator,
former English teacher, head of Upper School Friend's Seminary,
NYC; director Mirrors of Teaching, Teachers in Depth, board member
Bowdoin Summer Music Festival.
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Sister Ruthmary Powers - H.M., leading Catholic
educator, Sisters of the Humility of
Mary, Diocese of Pittsburgh, former superintendent, Catholic schools
of Arizona, author Partnership Education.
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Karl Pribram - widely considered one of the
two greatest living brain scientists, former
director Yerkes Laboratories of primate research, former Yale and
Stanford University professor, former director Center for Brain
Research at Radford University, developer of holographic and holonomic
brain theory, GERG member, author of The Language of the Brain,
Brain and Perception, and co-author of the classic Plans
and the Structure of Behavior.
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Raffi - composer, performer, recording artist,
founder of Child Honouring, founder and president of Troubadour
Music, recipient of the UN’s Earth Achievement Award, author
of The Life of a Children’s Troubadour.
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Robert J. Richards - psychologist, historian,
director Fishbein Center for the History of Science and Medicine,
University of Chicago, author of The Meaning of Evolution, The
Romantic Conception of Life, and the pivotal study for 20th
century Darwinian research Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary
Theories of Mind and Behavior.
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Ruth Richards, M.D., Ph.D. - Board Certified
psychiatrist and educational psychologist, Saybrook
Graduate School, also University of California, San Francisco, Harvard
Medical School, and The McLean Hospital, co-developer of The Lifetime
Creativity Scales, co-editor of Eminent Creativity, Everyday
Creativity, and Health.
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John Robbins - health revolutionary,
author of The Food Revolution: How Your
Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World, and Diet for
a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness,
and the Future of Life on Earth.
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Nancy Roberts - Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, leader
in movement to shift the emphasis from war to peace for the military,
editor of The Transforming Power of Dialogue and author of Transforming
Public Policy: Dynamics of Policy Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
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Frank Ryan, M.D. - physician, venturesome
British science theorist, author of Darwin’s Blind Spot:
Evolution Beyond Natural Selection, The Eskimo Diet, Tuberculosis:
The Greatest Story Never Told, Virus X, and Taking Care
of Harry.
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Stanley Salthe - biologist and evolution theorist,
professor emeritus City College of
New York, GERG member, author of Development and Evolution:
Complexity and Change in Biology, championing a biology freed
of the shackles of neoDarwinism and the integration of chaos, complexity,
and other modern as well as ancient theories into evolution theory.
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David Scott - nuclear scientist, former
chancellor University of Massachusetts, former provost Michigan
State University, editor Accountability and Control in Educational
Settings, honored as “a champion of the vision of an
integrative University in which transdisciplinary research and holistic
learning communities can overcome the fragmentation of knowledge
and support the development of wiser human beings to create a better
to top
Tim Seldin -educator, president
of the Montessori Foundation, chair of the International Montessori
Council, former director of the Institute for Advanced Montessori
Studies, author of The Montessori Way, Building a World-Class
Montessori School, Starting a New Montessori School, Celebrations
of Life , and The World in the Palm of Her Hand.
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Christine Sleeter - leader in the field of multicultural
studies, director Institute for Advanced
Studies in Education, CSU Monterey Bay, former professor school
of education, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, author Culture,
Difference, and Power.
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Joseph Subbiondo - educator, president
California Institute for Integral Studies, former vice president
University of the Pacific, historian of linguistics specializing
in the study of the relation between English words and the evolution
of consciousness and the Enlightenment development of a new language
for science; editor, John Wilkins and 17th Century British Linguistics.
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Brian Swimme - physicist and ethical cosmologist,
director, Center for the Story of the Universe,
California Institute for Integral Studies, author of The Hidden
Heart of the Cosmos, The Universe is a Green Dragon, and The
Universe Story (with Thomas Berry).
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Michael Toms - co-founder of New Dimensions
Radio and chief executive officer
of the New Dimensions Broadcasting Network, board chairman emeritus
of the California Institute of Integral Studies, author of A
Time for Choices, True Work, At the Leading Edge, and An
Open Life: Joseph Campbell in Conversation with Michael Toms.
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