to the advancement of every scientific field or movement is the
publication of a journal devoted to its aim, research, thinking,
and building the sense of unity and camaraderie vital to having
any impact as a group on our world.

Published bimonthly by Taylor & Francis, World Futures: The
Journal of General Evolution has served this purpose for the
General Evolution Research Group ever since it became our journal
in 1986 (via the offbeat adventure recounted here in A
Brief History of GERG.

Grounded in the perspective of humanistic systems science rather
than any single restrictive field, it is the chief journal in the
world today wholly devoted to the openly creative, non-doctrinaire
exploration of all aspects of evolution. The result is the amazing
range of articles by heavily credentialed as well as independent
creative thinkers detailed on this website in A Brief History of

Ervin Laszlo is the journal’s founder and long time Editor.
Associate editor: Alfonso Montuori. Book review editor: John Hisnanick,
with Allan Combs and David Loye as associate book review editors.
Editorial board members: Ralph Abraham, Robert Artigiani, Bela H.
Banathy, Thomas Bernold, Eric Chaisson, John Corliss, Riane Eisler,
Attila Grandpierre, David Loye. Managing editors, U.S. office: Muriel
Adcock; European office, Maria Sagi. Honorary editors: Federico
Mayor, Karl Pribram, and Ilya Prigogine (deceased).

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